Luxemburgo and the Brazilian Tactics

Luxemburgo and the Brazilian Tactics

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Known in Europe after his not-very-good work in Real Madrid, Vanderlei Luxemburgo is the current Palmeiras coach.It may not look very good for you guys, but he is the best Brazilian coach in activity. He has more than 20 titles in his career, and except from his pa sage in Real Madrid and the short pa sage on Palmeiras in 2002, he has managed to win a title in every club he works since 1993*.I cant tell you why he wasnt able to do a nice work in Real Madrid. Maybe he wasnt 100% prepared, some say he was not able to deal with the players. I think that he didnt have an easy task, and maybe with some more freedom as a manager (Arrigo Sacchi was the Technical Director at that time), he would have done a better job.In the current pa sage of Luxemburgo in Palmeiras he won the Campeonato Paulista, the first Palmeiras title in eight years**. Now Palmeiras is the 6th, but just 4 points away from the 1st.After this long introduction, Ill try to explain what is the point of this post: analyzing the Palmeiras tactics, Ill try to show differences about the way Brazilian and European coaches organize their teams. Luxemburgo will help me here because Palmeiras team is tactically very well placed. Being my first post, I will try to make it as good as po sible, but not all posts and subjectives will carefully written (and interesting a suming this is interesting =) ) as this one.Palmeiras formation is a derived of a cla sic Brazilian formation, 4-2-2-2:As you might notice, there are no side-midfielders (SM) on the field, but two attacking-midfielders (AM). The difference about this is that the players have actually different roles; while SMs usually attacks by the side of the field, trying a cro s by-line or a play heading the box, the AMs play in the center, trying to build a play with the strikers. That doesnt means that the AMs never play by the side, but in Palmeiras (and in almost every Brazilian team) this role belongs to the side defender (SD).Side defenders attack in European teams too, but Brazilian teams have to find a way to defend their selves when a side defender attacks. To do this, the Brazilian coaches place two defensive midfielders (DM) that have the role to occupy the SDs backs (as we call here in Brazil). That means that, when the SD goes to attack, the DM in his side stays Tennessee Titans Jersey on defensive field to prevent the opposite side to find a free place to attack where the side defender should defend. More than that, when a SD attacks, the other SD, on the opposite side of the field stays on defensive field. If the play goes to the other side, the other SD attacks, and the first SD comes back to defense.When attacking, the SD has the help of the AM in his side, and with the defensive midfielder in his back, theres actually a triangle of players who can play, and some options on the middle.(same to the left side, but mirrored) The difference with a cla sic 4-4-2 is that the SM is always by the side, leaving the center to the Center Midfielders (CM), with the SD on his back, and helping the SM attacks seldom, and with no option on center playing or defense on the SD backs, since the CM should choose one of these.Im not saying that the Brazilian way is a better way. Having a SM helps the teams to pa s the ball to one side to other, trying to create a play, which cant be fast without the SM, since there would not be a player in the other side of the field, not at the same time that theres a SD attacking on one side. As I said, Palmeiras tactics are derived from the cla sic 4-2-2-2; with all first team players available, Palmeiras plays with a 4-1-2-1-2:Some Brazilian profe sionals and pre Eddie George Jersey s think this is one of the best formation, but you need players that fill the positions well. The defensive midfielder must be a ball-winner defensive player; both center midfielders (CM) have to be good pa sers, support attackers, but defend, too. The attacking midfielder is the teams brain, must be creative.As you may notice, these tactics privilege the attacking midfielders, the best position my country can produce in football roles. Almost every good player started as a attacking midfielder, and, due the fact that European teams doesnt play with these kind of formations, they start playing in other positions. The same happens with Brazilian side-defenders, which are far better attackers than defenders.Comparing the 4-1-2-1-2 tactics with the 4-4-2, we have almost the same pattern as the 4-2-2-2, but here with a defensive midfielder that combats the opposite attacking midfielder, and covers the SDs backs, while the CMs attack alternated, depending what side the team is attacking. But, the attacking midfielder may become too busy, trying to create most the teams plays alone. Thats why the CMs must know how to play, there are important attacking and defending. Im not going to say that they must be like Gerrard, a great box-to-box, but they cant be just another defender midfielders placed more offensively.As in most of the 4-1-2-1-2, Palmeiras have a most defensive CM (Leo Lima) and a most offensive CM (Diego Souza). That makes the team le s defensive, but more creative.Palmeiras tactics, very well planned by Luxemburgo, shows the basic movement when attacking and defending (right side, same as the left side, but mirrored):Of course this movement doesnt happen all the time, but thats what he planned.As said before, the main difference about the Brazilian tactics and the 4-4-2, which looks for us here pretty European, is that the Brazilian tactics makes the game more centralized, while the European formation try to spread the plays by the sides of the field. I cant say which is better, since they depend of the kind of player you have. Kak wouldnt play well if he was placed as a CM in a four-player line in the midfielder, and C. Ronaldo might not be the best player in the world if he was placed as an attacking midfielder. More than that, a formation cant be just good or bad, to compare you must have something to compare to, and talking about tactics and formation, each one privilege an aspect, and the job is to privilege the aspects you think that will fit best with you players and against the team you are playing against. I just tried to point my point of view of the differences of the formations mentioned above. Any comment, doubt or critics will be welcome (critics Rashad Weaver Jersey le s welcome than the other =) ). Sorry again about my English. It isnt easy to write in English, and this is also a training for me.* Heres the , but I would suggest the .** Ive wrote a post about how I thought Luxemburgo was decisive in the title. In Portuguese, but I may translate it someday to this blog.Notes: the Campeonato Paulista is a traditional regional championship. In Brazil, the season starts in February, and until May the teams plays the Regional championships in their estates. The national championship, Serie A, stars in late May. I am able to give lots of examples: Ronaldinho, Kak, Diego and Andersonare only few players that started they career as attacking midfielders; Mancine and Taddei are examples of former side defenders that are far better attackers than defenders.
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